Free Spirit Fitness LLC
Mobile Fitness & Health

Aqua Fitness
Floating Fitness
Swim Stroke Training
Speedo Fit Training

Mon-Wed-Fri 8:00-8:50am
Purchase a $65 season pass and
come to class free!
Aqua Fitness Class @ Pelican Bay, Edmond

Class drop ins $6
If you are interested in an aqua fitness class in your private or neighborhood pool
Contact me!!!

Aqua Fitness &
Speedo Fit Training
Classes can be booked in your private or neighborhood pool

Working out in the water has an amazing amount of benefits.
You can improve your cardiovascular and respiratory system in the same ways as cycling or running
with less stress on the joints.
Just like fitness classes on land, you get out of it, what you put in to it!
$60 per class - Participants divide the cost
All you need is a noodle, water dumbbells, Speedo Fit plate; all can be purchased through me.
You can also use the water for sports recover.
Water workouts will give your body a negative stress load plus positive
stress load equals adaptation.

The buoyancy and hydrostatic pressure will increase circulation,
reduces inflammation, and decreases muscle soreness.

Swim Stroke Training
Whether you are swimming for fitness or training for a triathlon, the freestyle stroke, also known as front crawl, is the fastest and most used of the swimming strokes used in competition or a workout.
This is why it is used in freestyle races and is also often the favorite for experienced swimmers and triathletes.
I will evaluate your stroke and teach you drills to improve your stroke to become more efficient.
Sessions can be done a in your neighborhood or private pool or local lake.

Swim stroke training
1/2 hour $30
45 min $45
1 hour $60

Floating Fitness
The latest and greatest workout in a swimming pool!!
which will recruit and engage more muscles fibers compared to doing the same exercise off the water.
You will gain great body awareness and an increase in joints stability and range of motion.

The workout consists of strength, balance, and stability training
This is an inflated rectangle mat anchored, on each end, by a line spiked into the grass.
Set up included entering your backyard though your gate with the floating mats inflated and staking the mats by a line in your backyard.

1 hour - $70
add $10 for each additional person
Must be pre-booked and pre-paid
Participants need to be comfortable in deep water.
Life jackets are not warn during this workout so participants
need to be comfortable in deep water.
There is 250 weight limit on the mats.
There are 8 mats available which need to be placed 2 feet apart so the group size depends on the size of the pool.
Set up could take 30 minutes. Pets need to be secured please.
Life jackets are not worn so each participants needs to be comfortable in deep water.